Unknown Babies (2005 to present)
Lauren Bieber (2005 to 2006)
Julard Roddy (2005)
Sinqua Walls (2006 to present)
Mekhai Wilson (2006; shared role with Sinqua Walls)
Born in Pilar's kitchen on 23 March 2005.
Miles Davis Harris (full name)
Named after legendary jazz great Miles Dewey Davis.
Chad Harris-Crane (father / adoptive paternal first cousin once removed; deceased)
Whitney Russell (biological mother / adoptive paternal first cousin once removed)
Alistair Crane (paternal grandfather)
Liz Sanbourne (paternal grandmother / adoptive maternal great half-aunt)
T.C. Russell (biological maternal grandfather)
Eve Johnson (biological maternal grandmother / paternal great half-aunt)
Ruby Lincoln (adoptive paternal great-grandmother / biological maternal great-grandmother; deceased)
Reggie Russell (biological maternal great-grandfather; deceased)
Warren Johnson (biological maternal great-grandfather; deceased)
Julian Crane (paternal half-uncle)
Sheridan Crane (paternal half-aunt)
Beth Wallace (paternal half-aunt; deceased)
Ethan Crane (adoptive paternal half-uncle)
Simone Russell (biological maternal aunt)
Vincent Clarkson (male; paternal half-cousin / biological maternal half-uncle)
Fancy Crane (paternal half-cousin)
Pretty Crane (female; paternal half-cousin)
Fox Crane (paternal half-cousin; deceased)
Endora Lenox (paternal half-cousin)
Marty Lopez-Fitzgerald (paternal half-cousin)
James Boothe (paternal half-cousin; via adoption)
When Whitney first learned she was pregnant with Chad's child, she was tense, but happy. Unfortunately, she soon learned that her lover, Chad, was really her half-brother. She passed the child off as Fox's son, but when Fox left town to go look for Gwen and Theresa's baby daughter, Whitney used Fox's power of attorney to give up his rights to the child he thought was his. Unfortunately, she never counted on Chad adopting the boy.
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